Announcing my new online shop

See the new Stephanie Taylor Collections

Now that technology is so magical, I can now offer an easy way to collect my work. Original work in three categories: functional ceramics, sculpture and paintings/drawings, as originals or as reproductions on a variety of products.

Five Fun Fact tees and other selections American River Collection.

Reproductions of my work in three categories: prints from original paintings/photos, the American River Collection, including a special limited-time partnership with Effie Yeaw Nature Center, and “Artful Tease,” artistic merchandise with a twist.

Example of tee campaign for Effie Yeaw Nature Center, 2021

An educational series of creatures on tees for kiddos

How about a family bonding experience of finding 29 creatures in a 1000 piece puzzle?

Reproduction of original paintings: example one.

The Artful Tease tee

The original painting created for an essay about the Sacramento Ballet in the Sacramento Bee.

The Artful Tease tee.

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